11 January 2009

something to do

Doing nothing often leads to nothing, the tendency is to think too much, eat too much, spend too much and get bored of course. For those who are not the type who can spend hours home, its another story. That is something I dont can talk about. I am a homebody type, that's why I can make the most exciting nothing to something as long as I have the necesarry energy, guts and patience. Thank God, most of the time I did have all of it (lol).

I always have a new years resolution and contrary to what my horoscope says that gimini's do things all at the same time and not finish all the time. I am an exception to the rule. I did finish what I started always and that includes my new hobby which is sewing.

In fact it is almost half semester and I have had a few projects ready to show of. But right now I am still busy with my latest cross stitch project which I have started late november. as you can see I have almost finished 1/3 of the pattern.

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my finished works