28 September 2010

First project in the sewing class

Like I have mentioned last time I have to begin with sewing an apron. This is what I had today (actually started last week). We called it butchers's apron ( slachter's schorts). I made two of this kind, because my cloth is good enough for two pieces of it. I guess I had to give the other away to friends. Next week I am ready to make a dress, one that I promise to make it fabulous this time. Thus, I am giving myself the benefit of the doubt.!

07 September 2010

I did a lot of sewing this summer

People might think that I finally entered to self-imposed exile because I am nowhere to be seen lately. but the truth is I am practically enhancing my sewing skills. And I am going to attend lessons beginning next week. the les was supposed to start today, but it didn't after all. I was up so early and drive to school only to find out that I should go back next week. Now I have excuse to blog so early. Here are some of my works that already hangs in my closet.

my finished works